The current storyline of Star Wars: The Bad Batch has been an interesting one considering that it brought in a young Hera Syndulla along with her entire family. However, it looks like people are now concerned about a new character who played a major role in Episode 12. So what will happen to Captain Howzer after what happened in Rescue on Ryloth?
In Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 12, the escaped Hera asked Clone Force 99 to help her in getting her family out of prison. Although Hunter initially refused to do it, the Bad Batch ultimately decided to rescue the freedom fighters.
Interestingly, Howzer made a shocking decision as the Bad Batch tried to escape with Cham Syndulla and his companion. The Captain chose to betray the Galactic Empire and informed Clone Force 99 that a squad has been sent to ambush them. He then gathered the other clones to start an uprising which leads to his arrest.
Not surprisingly, Star Wars fans are already up in arms over Howzer's arrest and demanding his release as soon as possible.
There's a good reason why people are supporting Howzer after he tried to start a clone revolution. Fans believe that Howzer is different since it looks like his chip didn't activate and he could be an important ally to Captain Rex. With that in mind, we're hoping that Howzer survives and meets up with Rex soon.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 12 is now streaming on Disney+.
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