Ever since the first trailer to Paramount Picture's Sonic the Hedgehog was released, fans were immediately appalled by the character's look and its generic story. Soon enough, director Jeff Fowler confirmed that the character's design would be reworked and will likely resemble how he looks in his classic video games. However, a number of artists were concerned about the workload that the VFX team would face to redesign this character and make the November 2019 release.
Thankfully, Fowler has pushed through once again as the director has confirmed that the big Sonic the Hedgehog movie has been pushed back and will now be coming out on February 14, 2020. Well, now gamers know what movie to take their girlfriends to if they want to break up with them (or if they just like Sonic?).
Now, will the extra three months be enough to fix this movie? We can only hope so but it does give the VFX team more time to fix this design and make Sonic look more like himself. Plus, we all got what we wanted; more time for the artists so they aren't rushed to make this movie look good in November.
Hopefully, the story is better than what we witnessed from its debut trailer, which made it look like a typical kid's adaptation.
Paramount's Sonic the Hedgehog is now coming out on February 14, 2020.
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