The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) and Naruto are joining forces in an epic comic crossover, bringing the half-shell heroes and the beloved shinobi from the Leaf Village into a shared mission.
This unlikely yet thrilling crossover is poised to have a fresh and unique take on the legendary characters, making it a must-read for fans of both franchises.
Epic Crossover Alert: TMNT Meets Naruto in New Comic Series
The world of ninja turtles meets the world of shinobi, as the unexpected crossover between these two beloved franchises is a four-issue comic series made possible by the collaboration between IDW Publishing and Viz Media.
Caleb Goellner (Sonic the Hedgehog) is writing the crossover comic, with Hendry Prasetya (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) in charge of drawing, Raúl Angulo (NYX) doing the coloring, and Ed Dukeshire (The Woods) doing the lettering.
Prasetya and Jorge Jiménez (Batman) are doing the cover art for issue #1 of the crossover comic series.
“I’m stoked and humbled to get to work with the coolest talent in comics and manga to introduce the ninja created by my heroes in a massive mutagen and chakra-fueled adventure for fans everywhere. What else can you call it but an honor? Let’s party," Goellner tells IGN.
This comic crossover is not the first time the ninja turtles have joined forces with the shinobi of the Leaf Village, as they previously collaborated for merchandise at the Box Lunch retail chain.
Meanwhile, the first issue of the comic crossover will ship on November 13, 2024, but the release dates of the rest of the issues are not yet confirmed as of writing.
Inside the TMNT X Naruto Crossover Comic's Story
IDW Publishing provided the official description for issue #1 of the comic crossover:
It’s the coolest ninja matchup you could have ever dreamed of, had you dared! The Heroes in a Half-Shell meet the host of the Nine-Tailed Fox in the crossover everyone will be talking about.
When teenage reporter April O’Neil has a clandestine meeting with Tsunade, the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, it garners the attention of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi. They aren’t the only ones who are wondering what the two women were discussing, though. The sinister Foot Clan have their own interest in April’s visit, as they think she might hold the valuable information on mutation research being conducted by the scientist Baxter Stockman. With April caught between the forces of the Hidden Leaf Village and the Foot Clan, it can’t be long before the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show up to lend her a hand!
Working with acclaimed manga publisher Viz Entertainment, IDW is pulling together two of the most popular comics in the world to bring you the four-issue comic book event of 2024!
Where to Read the TMNT X Naruto Crossover Comic
The TMNT x Naruto crossover comic series will most likely be available on the official websites of IDW Publishing and Viz Media, as they offer digital copies or physical editions for purchase.
After all, IDW Publishing is known for its TMNT comics, while Viz Media holds the license for Naruto in North America.
There's also a chance that the crossover comic will be available on other digital comic platforms at a later date, possibly on ComiXology and Amazon Kindle, so stay tuned for further updates.
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