DC Studios' current priority is the revamping of the DC Universe under co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran. Despite already unveiling the first slate of Chapter 1 Gods and Monsters, more DCU plans are expected to be announced at CinemaCon this year. Despite what happened to Zack Snyder's Cut of Justice League, DC fans are concerned about whether the Suicide Squad director’s cut will see the light of day. One fan sent his query and David Ayer offered assurance by revealing he recently spoke with the Peacemaker creator.
A Spanish fan on Twitter expressed doubt that the Ayer Cut would be released under Gunn's leadership. Responding also in Spanish, the filmmaker said, “I spoke to him a while ago. All with patience,” tweeted Ayer. “He has the right to put together his new universe before visiting the past. Cheer up. Good things are coming.”
The 2016 theatrical cut of the DCU film was received poorly by critics and audiences, yet Ayer remained vocal about his director's cut. Suicide Squad was famed for multiple reshoots and cuts, with Warner Bros. demanding changes to the director's tone and style. A romantic subplot involving Will Smith's Deadshot and Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, as well as the majority of Jared Leto's performance as the Joker, were among the scenes that were cut.
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Following the successful release of Snyder's cut of 2017's Justice League via the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut fan campaign, fans began rallying around the release of the Ayer cut of Suicide Squad via the #ReleaseTheAyerCut campaign. Despite a loud outcry, nothing has come of the campaign so far, but Ayer has teased that his director's cut is "vastly better" than the theatrical version. Ayer said on Twitter, "The nature of the film was fundamentally changed. I'm looking you in the eye and telling you this. My cut is vastly better." Additionally, the director shared another never-before-seen image of Leto’s Joker and offered more hope in the campaign for his cut.
Earlier in November, Gunn acknowledged the #ReleaseTheAyerCut campaign, stating that "these requests" are enthusiastic and respectful of the fandom and that he and his co-CEO, Safran, are mindful of the fans' desires. Moreover, Gunn has also expressed his support for Ayer in the past, and Ayer had nothing but nice things to say about the fellow filmmaker, especially after he and Safran were appointed as the joint bosses of DC Studios, so it's highly likely that fans will get what they want from this campaign.
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