The first Suicide Squad film was marked as one of the most divisive DCU films from Warner Bros., especially since its director, David Ayer, had been quite vocal when it came to calling out the company for being a “studio hack job” given that the theatrical cut that premiered in cinemas was not the full intention on the director’s side.
In fact, many DC fans had been demanding they release the Ayer Cut for years, and yet WB has yet to come forth and give the fans what they’ve been asking for. It was also rumored that Ayer’s cut would line up perfectly with Zack Snyder’s Justice League.
Amid the DC fans seeking for the Ayer Cut, Ayer responded to a user who outrightly claimed that Ayer’s cut could potentially be “trash” too, and like many creators who haven’t had the chance to express their creative freedom on their own work, here’s what Ayer had to say about Warner Bros.:
“My cut isn’t perfect. But it’s vastly better than the studio hack job.” Ayer responded, “People have seen it. The typical reaction is shock [at] how much better it is. This is across a sample of ages and fans and non-fans. You’re speaking from negativity, not openness. Why?”
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It is worth mentioning that directorial cuts from films are commonly better than the final product released in theaters. However, in Ayer’s case, we have yet to see the releasable form of his version of what the first Suicide Squad film would have turned out to be, instead of the one we got back in 2016.
This is not to say that we wouldn’t be able to see Ayer’s cut grace the screens one day. Not to mention, current DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn had already acknowledged the fans in support of #ReleaseTheAyerCut, indicating that:
“As the new (and first ever) CEOs of DC Studios, Peter [Safran] and I think it’s important we acknowledge you, the fans, and let you know we hear your different desires for the pathways forward for DC.”
Ayer had previously confirmed he had been in talks with Gunn in regards potentially releasing his cut of the first Suicide Squad film: “I spoke to him a while ago. All with patience. [James Gunn] has the right to put together his new universe before visiting the past. Cheer up. Good things are coming.”