Stranger Things 4 is facing yet another challenge for the production of the installment of the franchise as the set where the series is filming, the studio of Netflix where they are shooting, was caught on fire. Their set on Albuquerque, New Mexico was ablaze and it perished, but thankfully, no one was hurt from the said situation.
As reported by Newsweek, the studio of Netflix where Stranger Things 4 set is located caught fire the morning of Wednesday, August 4, and thankfully, no one was injured or hurt following the blaze. The Albuquerque Fire Rescue Department arrived in time to contain the situation and their public information officer, Tom Ruiz, confirmed that no person was hurt.
Ruiz said, "On the morning of Wednesday, August 4 13 Units with AFR and BCFD were dispatched to the address of 5650 University SE at Netflix studios. Upon arrival, units found a fully involved small-sized movie set with smoke and flames. All units who responded work diligently to extinguish this event and got it under control quickly… There were no firefighter or civilian injuries to report during this event."
To give the fans a preview of what the set looks like, it is an old and gutted building where Stranger Things is set, fitting for the theme of the show. The series is not yet done filming, with only a few days left before calling it a wrap, and this fire could halt their production as they would have to either recreate the set that perished in the fire or reshoot the scenes done in the same set.
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The reason behind the incident has yet to be revealed. Considering the time of the situation, it is also unlikely that the cast and crew were already working on the set which, thankfully, saved them from possible injuries they may occur if it happened earlier or later that day.
Netflix nor anyone from the production team of Stranger Things 4 has yet to comment on the incident. Fans and viewers are waiting for the official statement as regards the situation at hand.
Stranger Things 4 will further the story of Eleven and the rest of the Hawkins crew as they face the underlying threat of the Upside Down. Jim Hopper, thought to be dead after his heartbreaking sacrifice at the end of the third season, was revealed to be alive in some Russian prison camp and how he is still standing may be one of the topics the fourth installment may delve into.
Stranger Things 4 is expected to be released sometime in 2022.