The long-awaited fourth season of the critically-acclaimed series Stranger Things has finally arrived on Netflix. Following the Hawkins crew's last dive into the Upside Down and going against the menacing villain Vecna, the series also intends to conclude each of every core character's arc, including Noah Schnapp's Will Byers.
However, the fourth season of Stranger Things hints at an interesting revelation about Will. In one sequence between Will and Mike (Finn Wolfhard), the two were having a deep conversation in which Will tells Mike, "Sometimes I think it's just scary to open up like that, to say how you really feel, especially to people you care about the most because what if they don't like the truth?" Fans immediately thought that this scene might be foreshadowing something about Will, mainly about the character’s sexuality.
In an interview with EW, Stranger Things Season 4 producer Shawn Levy addresses whether Will is gay or not. According to the director, those 'bread crumbs of plot and character' were placed there for a reason, and will surely develop when Volume 2 arrives.
"Without getting into where we go later in Season 4 [Volume 2], I guess I'll just say that there aren't many accidents on Stranger Things," Levy said. "There is clear intention and strategy and real thought given to each and every character. So, if you came away from Volume 1 feeling those bread crumbs of plot and character, it's probably no accident."
Noah Schnapp's Will has been one of the core characters since the beginning of the show. After being kidnapped in the Upside Down on and suffering from PTSD throughout the series, fans would surely be delighted to see a complete character arc for Will and finally disclose his sexuality.
According to producer Shawn Levy, these little hints are 'no accident' and the interpretation of the fans about Will's sexuality might be accurate. But for now, fans have to wait for Volume 2 to arrive and witness the show’s groundbreaking conclusion which will surely unfold Will's presumed sexuality.
Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 is now available to stream on Netflix, while Volume 2 will premiere on July 1.