Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Keri Russell Teases New Details About Zorri Bliss

There is little doubt that Zorri Bliss is one of the most exciting characters who will be introduced in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. But what do we truly know about her? Keri Russell has just shared some interesting details about Zorri and it looks like we might not be able to trust her right away.

Russell recently spoke to about her character, dropping a few details that we already know.

"What I can say is Zorii is sort of a character of possibly questionable morals," she said. "She's a survivor. She lives on a snowy planet, of Kijimi."

Russell went on by explaining that Zorri's costume somehow reveals a little about the character.

"I think actually what we can say about her, which is already visible in her costume, kind of tells you about who she is. I think there's not a part of her that is seen, and on an occupied planet, which is where she lives, you have to get by doing whatever you need to do to get by. And I think anonymity is safety or freedom to move freely where she needs to go because she's doing some sketchy stuff," she said.

What "sketchy stuff" are we talking about here? Russell continued by pointing out that Zorri has a mysterious connection to Poe Dameron.

"I think the introduction of Zorri helps inform some details of Poe's past, and those scenes we got to do were really cool," she concluded.

It's good to know that we will finally learn a little bit more about Poe in The Rise of Skywalker, thanks to Zorri. Needless to say, we can't wait to see this character in action really soon.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

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