Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is Finally Coming to Disney+ on May 4

Star Wars Day, aka May 4, because "May the 4th be with you," is fast approaching and everyone knows that this is the day when fans binge-watch the movies, even the bad ones. It seems like Disney+ is well aware of that as the company has announced that all the mainline Star Wars movies will be available for streaming on that day, including the controversial Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

After the movie was released early on digital stores due to the Coronavirus epidemic forcing everyone to stay at home, many fans had wondered when the hit movie would be available for Disney+ subscribers. That question got even louder when Frozen 2was released early on the streaming service so it's good to know that hardcore Star Wars fans can finally binge-watch the entirety of the Skywalker Saga, with all the good and bad parts.

The Rise of Skywalker divided fans even more than The Last Jedi did. While many criticized The Last Jedi for trying too hard to be subversive, The Rise of Skywalker was thrashed for pandering to the Star Wars internet community. Knowing that Reddit helped shape the latest Star Wars movie is one of the many great disappointments that the human race has achieved.

Even with all of its faults, The Rise of Skywalker does have a ton of fans who enjoy it. The action and special effects were good, while the actors gave it their all. Some even like Rey being a Palpatine, though having the emperor himself comeback was a bit much. Let's not even talk about that climax.

If you don't have Disney+, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now available in digital media. Those that do can binge-watch it and the whole Skywalker Saga on May 4.

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