Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Finally Reveals What Happened to Snoke

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Ever since being introduced in The Force Awakens, Snoke's identity has always been shrouded with mystery. Unfortunately, he was killed by Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi even before Star Wars fans could get to know more about his past. That being said, the truth about the Supreme Leader's identity has finally been revealed.

This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker just recently made its debut and there's certainly a lot to take in. Director J.J. Abrams aims to answer most of the fans' questions, including that of Snoke's identity. Episode IX actually explains this briefly; in fact, just minutes in the movie, the information was revealed.

Remember that clip released just days before the film's release? Kylo Ren is seen arriving at Exogol and drops down in some sort of lair. Palpatine's voice is then heard, followed by Snoke's and then Vader's. It was actually in the first part of the film, the revelation about Snoke was in that scene as well, but of course, it had to be cut in the teaser.

Before the "I have been every voice you have ever heard inside your head" line, Emperor Palpatine said to Kylo, "Snoke has trained you well." To which he answered, "I killed Snoke. I'll kill you."

The Sith Lord chuckles and replies, "My boy, I made Snoke."

That's it, that's the reveal. It only took just a few minutes for fans to finally get the answers they've always been curious about. There was also a brief clip shown in the movie where a handful of Snoke clones are contained inside tubes. This scene basically revealed that Snoke was just a mere puppet that has always been under the control of Palpatine.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is currently showing in theaters.

Also Read: Kylo Ren Finally Gets [SPOILERS] in The Rise of Skywalker and It's the Coolest Thing Ever