It looks like Star Wars fans are going to get a closer look at the execution of Order 66 in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Order 66 has always been considered one of the most significant and heartbreaking moments in the history of the Jedi. It was a huge turning point in the clone wars when Emperor Palpatine decided to turn on the Jedi, instructing all of his active clone troopers to eliminate the Jedi that they once served under and any of the Jedi that they would come into contact with in the war. The Jedi Order was taken by surprise, and only a few were left alive after Order 66.
While fans could feel the weight of the death when Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith featured a montage of Jedi meeting their end after Palpatine executes Order 66, Screen Rant says that The Clone Wars take on Palpatine's betrayal is going to be even more heartbreaking for viewers. Fans knew very little about the personal lives of the Jedi when Lucasfilm released Revenge of the Sith. Because of its format, The Clone Wars has been able to do so much more to develop the stories of the Jedi characters who die in Order 66 than in George Lucas' Star Wars prequels. Not only that, but Order 66 is going to be made even more tragic when fans are forced to take on the point of view of the clones. The Clone Wars gave life to the clones, giving fan-favorite characters like Captain Rex and Commander Cody.
We're sure that by the time Order 66 is executed in The Clone Wars, fans are going to have a layered, and weighty, heartbreaking experience.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7 is streaming on Disney+.
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