Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic Book from IDW Delayed Indefinitely

When Star Wars: The Clone Wars made its marvelous return to Disney+, fans weren't too surprised to see a comic book based on the series, though the fact that it wasn't from Marvel Comics was a bit of a shock. IDW Publishing, who make the kid-friendly Star Wars Adventures comics, announcedStar Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars - Battle Tales, a five-issue weekly mini-series that was supposed to come out this April but won't due to the Coronavirus.

Since Diamond Publishing won't be accepting physical items, for the time being, several comic publishers have decided not to launch physical and digital comics. While Archie and DC Comics will be releasing some of their titles digitally, companies like IDW Publishing and Dynamite are not going to do so since they want comic book stores to have big titles once this epidemic blows over.

Things are going to be a bit complicated once the Coronavirus becomes less of a threat since movies, comic books, video games, and other products will have to push for big sales due to this current drought. It's safe to say that this isn't a great time to be part of a business and we just want this whole thing to be over already.

As it stands, comics like Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars - Battle Tales will be delayed indefinitely. It's a sucky situation but one that can't be helped.

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