Star Wars: The Bad Batch Releases Its Two-Week Countdown Poster Before Premiere

A newly released promo material for Star Wars: The Bad Batch marks the start of the countdown until the series is released on Disney+. The poster is the beginning of the two-week countdown until fans are able to see the animated series.

The official Star Wars: The Bad Batch Twitter account has posted the promo, featuring snippets of footage from the series' first official trailer. The members of Clone Force 99 are shown in action as they showcase their individual talents.

The latest trailer for the animated series offered plenty of details about The Bad Batch's premise. The members of Clone Force 99 find themselves hiding and running from the new Galactic Empire. Fortunately, the team was able to meet new team members that help them while they are on the run.

The trailer also showed that the team will meet The Mandalorian's Fennec Shand and Captain Rex. Moreover, the trailer also revealed that Saw Gerrer, a fan-favorite Rebel fighter will return to the series to help out the team.

The members of Clone Force 99 are called the Bad Batch because of the genetic mutations in their DNA. They were first seen in the final season The Clone Wars. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will take place after the events that occurred in The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith. They are declared enemies of the Empire.

The series is set to debut on May 4, 2021. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will have its 70-minute premiere episode.

Related: Star Wars: The Bad Batch Trailer Confirms Clone Wars Characters and New Recruit