Star Wars Reportedly Cancels Upcoming The Mandalorian Project Over Disney+ Plans

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

I can't be denied that the unprecedented success of The Mandalorian gave Lucasfilm an opening to expand their Star Wars universe even more and despite the fact that the show pretty much chronicles past events, Disney was still clever enough to be able to squeeze in more content set during the show's timeline.

Season 2 saw the official live-action debuts of characters like Bo-Katan Kryze and Ahsoka Tano as well as the triumphant return of Boba Fett. The tremendous fan reception to their respective cameos pretty much paved the way for the said characters to stick around for more spinoff projects which I'm assuming were last-minute decisions

Disney's 2020 Investor Day confirmed that Ahsoka and The Book of Boba Fett were coming to Disney+ real soon but the sudden influx of new Star Wars content may have affected a side project The Mandalorian was supposedly working on having released.

According to a new report from Star Wars News Net (via The Direct), the upcoming reference book Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Ultimate Visual Guide was been canceled due to Disney+'s spinoff plans.

The report says: "Our source has new information that explains somewhat the cancellation of the book. The Visual Guide was shut down at the last minute because the multiple, interconnected series coming to Disney+ requires a different strategy. Lucasfilm wants to have more control over the books. According to our source The Mandalorian: The Ultimate Visual Guide – or an updated and changed version – will not be released before 2022."

While it's a huge bummer that we won't be getting the said book, it's safe to assume that Lucasfilm is trying to avoid continuity errors. Now, this could pretty much prove what I mentioned earlier that some of the spinoff series Disney announced were probably last-minute additions to their Star Wars slate. I'm not complaining though.

Meanwhile, The MandalorianSeason 3 is scheduled to begin production this April.

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