The recently-aired Star Wars series Ahsoka marked the live-action debut of the surviving Ghost Crew members from Rebels. Throughout the season's run, fans have expressed their enthusiasm over the actors' take on the fan-favorite characters in the animated series.
After all, aside from exploring Ahsoka Tano's journey in the MandoVerse timeline, it also serves as a continuation of Rebels since they also followed the characters' journey years after the animated series originally ended.
Whether fans love the recent series or not, a lot of them were delighted about the Ghost Crew's live-action appearances since it gave them a unique opportunity to experience the characters in a different way.
Fortunately, one of the people who was enthusiastic about the character's live-action debut in Ahsoka was someone who oversaw the creation of the animated series with Dave Filoni.
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Simon Kinberg Addresses the Rebels Characters' Live-Action Debut in Ahsoka
Speaking with Inverse, Rebels co-creator Simon Kinberg reflected on his involvement in the series where he expressed his enthusiasm at that time for being part of the Star Wars franchise.
He also shared his excitement about the live-action debut of the characters from Rebels recently in Ahsoka as he never thought that it could happen back when he was involved in the animated series.
"There’s so many things to me that are exciting about the Rebels characters coming to life in Ahsoka. It’s not something I ever imagined when we were making the show," he said.
Kinberg also praised Filoni's work in both Rebels and Ahsoka and he is glad that he was the one responsible for bringing the characters into live-action.
He added, "Our partnership on that show was really great. Which leads to the other thing that’s really thrilling to me: not just seeing the characters come to live action, but to see Dave really flourishing in a role that I knew he was capable of."
It's pretty clear that Kinberg had nothing but excitement and enthusiasm for the live-action debut of the characters that he co-created and it's great that he was supportive of it from afar.
Now, all eyes are on whether the series will have a second season and continue the cliffhanger of the first season finale where Thrawn has returned to the main galaxy.
All episodes of Ahsoka are available to stream on Disney+.
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