Star Wars Star Mark Hamill Says The Last Jedi’s Green Milk Is Better Than Blue Milk

Star Wars fans might have all wanted to have a little bit of blue milk ever since the drink was introduced in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, but the real thing isn't as tasty as one might think.

Taking to Twitter to respond to fans pining over blue milk, Star Wars legend Mark Hamill revealed the actual taste of blue milk. Apparently, George Lucas' production team had to use Long Life milk with blue coloring for blue milk, probably because they had to work out in the middle of the desert to film scenes for Tatooine. This kind of milk was so bad that it actually made Hamill gag though it seems like the actor really had the mind to drink it down on-camera for the Star Wars scene.

"Blue milk was Long Life milk (used by campers because no refrigeration is needed) w/ blue food colouring. Oily, warm & slightly sweet, it literally made me gag, but I was determined to drink it on-camera," the actor wrote on his post. "It was an acting challenge to appear as though I enjoyed it."

Surprisingly, it seems like the green milk from Star Wars: The Last Jedi was the much better option for Hamill.

"Actually, the green milk (coconut water) was quite tasty!," the Star Wars legend in a separate post, "The green milk was just regular coconut water dyed green in post-production."

This might come as a shock to fans. The milk didn't seem quite as refreshing on the big screen. In The Last Jedi, the green milk came straight from Thala sirens lounging by the beach on Ahch-To, and fans were pretty disturbed seeing Luke Skywalker gulp down the drink with gusto right after he milked the Thala sirens by hand. In real life though, the milk wasn't as bad.

Blue milk and green milk are now available in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge which is currently open at Disneyland.

Lucasfilm's next release, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, is set to premiere on December 20, 2019.

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