Star Wars: Mark Hamill Says Luke Didn't Die a Virgin

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is going to be the end of this current Star Wars trilogy and will also mark the end for the long-running Skywalker saga. Fans are also pretty excited to see Luke Skywalker for one last time since Disney announced that the character would be returning, though we don't know in what capacity. The trailer did have him narrate some epic lines so we can expect him to reprise those.

Now that the character has died, actor Mark Hamill has been asked a number of questions about Luke. Recently, a fan asked Hamill if Luke died a virgin and the actor felt that the answer to this is a no. Hamill does point out how it's undetermined but he feels like Luke managed to get some action before he died.

Like father like Son I suppose.

We didn't get to see Luke do a lot of things post-Return of the Jedi, though that could be explored in future novels or comic books. As of this writing, it's not yet clear if Luke has any love interests, though he did kiss Leia when he didn't know she was his sister. Man, what the heck George?

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker comes out this December.

Read: Star Wars: New Trilogy Characters Won't Disappear After 'The Rise of Skywalker'