Star Wars: John Boyega Trolls Fans with a 'Sneak Peek' at The Rise of Skywalker Opening Crawl

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

There's only a few more days until Star Wars fans will get to see the epic conclusion of the Skywalker Saga. Of course, most people would try their best to avoid spoilers for the film and are nearing to the finish line. However, actor John Boyega just "leaked" The Rise of Skywalker opening crawl a few days prior to the release.

Well, it's not exactly the real scroll. Taking to his Instagram account, the actor shared a video to tease the opening crawl. Reading the first line, you would think that Boyega has actually spoiled a part of the story. However, the iconic Star Wars intro song quickly transitions into DaBaby's song titled VIBEZ as the actor poses with the scroll rocking left and right.. You can check it out below.

If you didn't catch it, the actor wrote, "Just kidding. This isn't the real scroll." He continued, "This is just some text we made up. We are doing this to make hot content, and this content is HOT." The actor made it clear that if you would like to read the real scroll, you'll have to wait. "Seriously, it'll be worth the wait," he added.

Towards the end of the scroll, he even posed a question asking the fans about who would win a fight between his character Finn and Oscar Isaac's Poe. "I know they're friends but like, who looks stronger? Finn, right?" he wrote.

One thing that some people noticed is that the actor wrote "a few more months" rather than a few more days. This suggests that Boyega has been planning to troll the fans with the fake crawl for months now, which shows his enthusiasm and excitement for the upcoming movie.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

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