Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was Almost a Game About Bounty Hunters and Blasters

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ended up being a nice surprise from EA and ReSpawn, giving us a solid, if uninspired, single-player experience that will entertain hardcore and casual fans alike. As we wait for an official sequel or follow-up to the successful Star Wars game, some details on the behind-the-scenes making of this game have come to light and they reveal an interesting look at LucasFilm and how protective they are of the Star Wars property.

In a recent episode of the AIAS Game Maker's podcast, game director Stig Asmussen stated that LucasFilm was originally hesitant of Jedi: Fallen Order having, well, Jedi in the game. As the game was being pitched, LucasFilm said that they wanted the game to be about a bunch of bounty hunters and their blasters, possibly to tie-in with The Mandalorian, though that's just a wild guess.

Here's what Asmussen said about LucasFilm's odd suggestion:

"I pitched, 'Hey what if we do a game about Jedi and Force powers. They were not super comfortable with that. They threw it back, 'What about blasters or bounty hunters?'"

As Asmussen discussed how he fought for this game to be about the Jedi, it's clear that LucasFilm gave him a hard time about making Jedi: Fallen Order, even suggesting a game about Force users but not any full-blown Jedi. This is likely due to all the Star Wars media that may have overexposed the Jedi, with many fans wondering where they are in the current canon.

Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ended up being a fun title that broke sales records. The game is now available on PS4 and Xbox One.

Read:New Launch Trailer Released for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order