The first of the final four episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars has just been dropped and it's getting people hyped up for the end of the animated series. Not surprisingly, fans are already completely impressed with Old Friends, Not Forgotten and some have decided that the episode and the next three that will follow deserve to be shown in theaters. A new petition has just been started and it's asking Disney and Lucasfilm to give the last four episodes of Season 7 a well-deserved theatrical release.
The petition addresses Disney and Lucasfilm and calls for the episodes covering the Siege of Mandalore to be brought to the theaters.
"We, the Undersigned, would like to formally and respectfully ask the powers that be at Lucasfilm and the Walt Disney Company to consider releasing Star Wars: The Clone Wars' four-episode 'Siege Of Mandalore' story arc in theaters as a feature film this December, or whenever the COVID-19 crisis has passed," the mission statement reads.
But why should Disney do this? The petition point out that "the quality of animation, voice acting, sound, music and storytelling in The Siege Of Mandalore is nothing short of superb and rivals that of any feature-length animated film. It deserves to be on the big screen." In addition to that, it also states that the storyline "first debuted in 2008 as a feature film, it would be remarkably fitting to have the end of the series bookended by another film."
These are all great points and it would be amazing to see the entire battle on the big screen. For now, Disney and Lucasfilm have yet to comment on the petition, which has already gained 687 signatures. You can sign the petition here.
Do you think the last four episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 should get an theatrical release? Sound off in the comments below.
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