Star Wars Fans Outraged Over Rey and Kylo Ren Scene in The Rise of Skywalker

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

The Skywalker Saga finally comes to a close with the debut of The Rise of Skywalker. The movie packs a punch and has incorporated tons of fanservice and references. And while there's a lot of things to love about the film, there are some scenes that the audience isn't particularly fond of; one being Rey and Kylo Ren's final scene.

This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Following General Leia's death and talking to his father, Han Solo, Ben makes his way to Exogol to help Rey in defeating the Sith Lord. As both characters team-up and face Emperor Palpatine, he sucks the life out of Rey and Ben. Ben managed to stand up but Sidious pushed him to fall into a pit, as he did in Return of the Jedi.

After Rey hears the voice of thousands of generations of Jedi urging her to rise, the heroine managed to stand up and grabs the two lightsabers to counter Palpatine's Force lightning, which successfully killed the Emperor but also cost Rey's life.

When Rey was on the ground, lifeless, Ben emerges from the pit. Similar to what Rey did after she healed him at their battle at Kef Bir, Ben revived her by draining his life force and healed Rey. The two went for a kiss, but Ben collapsed, and soon after, he died and became one with the Force.

This scene was deemed problematic by some people. Other Reylo fans aren't particularly fond of the outcome as well, pointing out that they would have preferred Ben to live, over them kissing and making Reylo canon.

Personally, I found the scene quite disappointing. Seeing Ben's redemption and his team-up with Rey was cool. However, I think there would have been another way to tackle their relationship and not just leave Ben to die. That being said, everyone has their own preferences so it's understandable that some were upset, but some appreciate the outcome.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is out in theaters now.

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