Star Wars: Episode IX Panel Officially Announced for Celebration 2019

Everyone was always assuming that Star Wars Episode IX was going to be at the center of Star Wars Celebration, but now we have official confirmation of the panel coming to the event.

This is the official announcement:

The panel is confirmed to take place on Friday, April 12, and we know that J.J. Abrams will be present at the event. I could only assume that the main stars of the film like Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Adam Driver are set to make an appearance; we already know that Oscar Isaac is coming to Celebration since last week, plus Billy Dee Williams. I think we should also expect an appearance from Mark Hamill as well.

We don't have full details on the panel, but I think that's done on purpose to keep the audience surprised. We all know how Abrams loves his mystery boxes.

There was a lot of speculation earlier this year that Lucasfilm would at least drop the title for Episode IX sometime in January, but it looks like the film will be borrowing a strategy from Avengers: Endgame and will reveal the trailer at the end of the teaser. While I'm honestly irked about having to wait so long, I hope the teaser will be enough to keep a lot of eager fans satiated until we get a full on trailer. After Disney has spoiled us with yearly Star Wars films, I've honestly forgotten what it's like to wait more than a year for more movies.

Catch Star Wars Episode IX in theaters Dec. 20.

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