Star Wars Episode IX: Billy Dee Williams Thanks Hamill for Welcoming Him Back

While Mark Hamill has been back in Star Wars since The Force Awakens, his original trilogy co-star Billy Dee Williams is only coming back for the last film, Episode IX. Hamill had recently made a post welcoming Williams back to the fold, and Williams has replied in earnest.

Check it out:

We still have no details on what exactly Lando's role in Episode IX is, but rumor has it that he's playing a role that's similar to Maz Kanata's from the first film. After Solo: A Star Wars Story, I was kind of hoping they gave him an expanded role this time around, what with us now aware of the history that Lando has with the Falcon. Maybe he can pilot the Falcon one last time? I'd settle for one more reunion between him and L3-37.

With April finally here, everyone is expecting their first look for Episode IX to come with Star Wars Celebration. It's possible that Lucasfilm will be borrowing a tactic from Marvel Studios in a sense that they'll be revealing he title at the end of the teaser. It's a tad dramatic, but I don't expect less from one of the most anticipated movies of the year.

Lando Calrissian returns in Star Wars Episode IX which comes out Dec. 20.

See Also: Mark Hamill Welcomes Lando Calrissian Back To Star Wars: Episode IX