Star Wars Battlefront II players have just gotten two new maps in the form of Capital Ship interiors for the Resistance and First Order, but some people have spotted something familiar. As it turns out, DICE had reused a level that can be found in the campaign.
Check it out:
I knew this looked familiar. Glad to see DICE reusing assets from the campaign.
If anything, a lot of people are actually happy that DICE would be able to use some maps from the campaign with Iden Versio. Ever since the game came out, a lot of fans have been asking online if they can get access to the maps outside of the main campaign, and now it looks like DICE has just done exactly that.
Speaking of reused maps, DICE has confirmed that the Rogue One map, Scarif, from the 2015 Battlefront game, is also coming to Supremacy this February. We don't know exactly what day the update will release, but just like the latest one, it's likely to come by the end of the month. The map will start off available for Co-Op, but will soon come to Supremacy, officially bringing in the Age of Rebellion to the game mode.
Battlefront has done a full-on comeback, and hopefully we get more updates as the year trudges on. Besides the new maps, players have also asked for access to other heroes like Krennic, Jyn Erso, and Dengar. Heck, give us Greedo and Nien Nunb.
For now, you can enjoy Star Wars Battlefront II on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Read Also: Star Wars Battlefront II to Bring Back Scarif from Rogue One