Star Wars Battlefront II to Bring Back Scarif from Rogue One

Fans have been asking DICE for many things to bring to Star Wars Battlefront II, and one of them is the DLC expansion map from 2015's Battlefront, Scarif, based on the Rogue One location. What's cool is, the map is coming to the game, and it's going to be part of the OT joining Capital Supremacy.

According to the community transmission, the devs will be bringing the Age of Rebellion to Co-Op, and later on Supremacy (originally called Capital Supremacy). What's interesting is, the Rebellion Age map won't have any ground to ship transitions and will focus entirely on the ground. The first maps are going to be that of the Death Star II and Scarif.

We don't have any confirmation yet, but hopefully, Scarif will come with some new skins for players. Shoretroopers were a thing introduced in Rogue One, and it would be cool to have them in the game. As for the Rebellion side, I always wanted to play an X-Wing pilot fighting on the ground. Maybe we can get some more alien races as skins as well.

With the battle keeping solely on the ground, I imagine that the game could end once all command posts are taken. Then again, they could easily just have players transition into a new location with objectives specific to the Rebellion or Empire side. Either way, I'm just happy we're going back to the Original Trilogy.

These expansions are set to come sometime later in February. Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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