Star Wars Battlefront II Reportedly Leaked as the Second Free PS Plus Game in June

Take this with a grain of salt. A video from PlayStation Gaming claims that Sony accidentally leaked their second free game for June and it will reportedly be Star Wars Battlefront II. The first game, Call of Duty: WWII, was revealed and released this week to give fans an appetizer and maybe apologize for how lame the free games for May were.

If Star Wars Battlefront II really is the free game for June, this gives fans a perfect reason to try out this popular online shooter. Fans are obviously curious if this is true since the Instagram video that supposedly came from Sony has now been deleted and the only proof we have of it in this short clip from PlayStation Gaming.

We don't know why Sony would make two popular online shooters free in the same month but you have to remember that they also made a farming and city-making game free last month. Fun.

Most people know the story of Battlefront II by now. It looked promising in the beginning, was riddled with microtransactions during the beta, complaints reached the news, and EA had to make adjustments. These adjustments resulted in a much better game and one that Star Wars fans thoroughly enjoy. Some of them are even willing to pay for more content but let's not go there...

Star Wars Battlefront II is now available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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