Star Wars Battlefront 2 Won't Get Paid DLC Despite Petition From Fans

In a weird turn of events, fans are actually willing to give EA money for new Star Wars Battlefront 2 DLC. This is odd because EA and DICE received a ton of heat from fans for their greedy misuse of microtransactions and loot boxes during the game's pre-release hype but now that support for Battlefront 2 is ending, gamers are willing to pay for more content. What's even weirder than all of this is that EA is saying no to this.

What a time to be alive huh? 2020 really is the weirdest and worst year.

DICE Producer Ben Walke was shown a petition that managed to get over 30,000 gamers to sign it for more DLC and he just brushed it off. Though he appreciates how many fans have signed this petition, Walke also brings up how 200,000 gamers signed a petition about not having paid DLC for the game. Seriously, what a world.

Honestly, fans should just be happy that Battlefront 2 managed to become a good game after all the heat it got. Most assumed that the game would be doomed after all the controversy but the folks at DICE worked hard and gave everyone an online shooter that Star Wars fans can be happy to play. Just be happy that change actually happened since this could have been so much worse.

Seeing fans willingly give EA their money for more content is weird since Battlefront 2 was anti-DLC and made every additional character, mode, and weapon free for plauers (with loot boxes you can pay for). Let's just be happy that the game is fun and isn't too greed-filled anymore.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is now available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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