Star Wars Battlefront II players have just recently been graced with the ‘Chosen One' update, and the expansion sees the arrival of Anakin Skywalker plus a batch of a new clone skins. EA Star Wars has just released a new community update video giving us a rundown of everything new that came with the update.
With the previous update leaving the Light Side heroes outmatched by the Dark Side, Anakin is meant to even things out in the playing field. For one, Anakin is the first hero to have a move that breaks a guard, plus he has some devastating attacks that come with a fantastic range. The Heroic Might move actually encourages players to hit you to make it more powerful, and the fourth ability Retribution lets him do a force choke in a massive scale.
Besides those skills, Anakin also has a Pull Dominance ability which pretty much works like Kylo Ren's. You basically just pull enemies toward you as opposed to Obi-Wan's skill which pushes them away.
Besides all the moves on Anakin, we also have two new clone skins for the 501st legion as well as the Courscant guards. There have also been tweaks given to other existing factions of clones, plus the long-awaited armored clone commander.
While we've been getting new heroes for the past few months, next month will see the release of an all new game mode that promises to be ‘huge.' It's said that there will be capital ship takedowns this time around plus a classic capture point system that players of the original Battlefront will recognize.
Star Wars Battlefront II is currently playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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