Star Wars Battlefront II: New Images of Grievous Default and Damaged Skin

After months of waiting, Star Wars Battlefront II players will finally be able to get their hands on a new playable character in the form of General Grievous. We had just recently got our first official look at the character, and now we have some images of his two alternate skins.

Grievous will come with two skins, the default Jedi Hunter skin as well as the Battle Damaged one. Check them out:

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Via: Reddit, DICE

While the damaged skin looks very different from what we got in Revenge of the Sith, it's actually more akin to an episode from The Clone Wars where Grievous goes up against Kit Fisto and some clones in his own lair.

If anything, I'm actually glad we got something out of the box. I was convinced that the two alternate skins were going to be his standard Jedi Hunter skin, and a look with him wearing a cape. Hopefully down the line we get the cape look, but I'm hoping that DICE gives us a skin of Grievous pre-cyborg.

Though October is the month of Grievous, we should wait too long before we get our new character in the heroes roster. Obi-Wan is set to be playable later next month, and he'll be dropping alongside the Geonosis map as well. Anyone waiting for Anakin and Dooku shouldn't hold their breath though, as DICE has decided they will be released early 2019 instead.

General Grievous becomes available Oct. 30.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II: Obi-Wan Gets an Official Release Date