Star Wars Battlefront II: Obi-Wan Gets an Official Release Date

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Everyone in the Star Wars Battlefront II community is eagerly waiting for the arrival of General Grievous next week, but no one has forgotten about his upcoming rival Obi-Wan Kenobi. We know that Kenobi would be coming a month after Grievous, but now we have an official release date courtesy of DICE's Ben Walke.

Check it:

Obi Wans release date for those who missed it..

Besides the arrival of Obi-Wan, it's also said that we would also be getting the Geonosis map dropped. Out of all the maps that we've gotten, it's been teased that this upcoming one would be one of the largest in the game. No doubt, I think everyone is just happy to be getting some new content. After the Solo event, updates have been pretty dry.

For now, we still don't know what to expect with Obi-Wan, but it's said that he will have a more defense-focused fighting style. James Arnold Taylor (Clone Wars) will be once again reprising the role of Obi-Wan for the game, and it's rumored that he will come with his signature Jedi robe skin as well as an armored Clone Wars skin.

Obi-Wan is probably the last hero we'll be getting for the year. Though Anakin and Dooku have already been announced, DICE has pushed their releases to next year. A lot of people were bummed to see them pushed back, but I think I would prefer that DICE just really polished the character instead of releasing them undercooked.

For now, everyone is just waiting on the arrival of General Grievous on Oct. 30. Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.

See Also: General Grievous Officially Joins Star Wars Battlefront II Next Week