Star Wars: Andor Showrunner Addresses Theories on What Prisoners Are Building for the Empire

There is little doubt that Star Wars fans have ideas that could explain a lot of things that are happening in Andor. For instance, there are several theories about what the prisoners are building on Narkina 5. But are any of these theories close to the truth? Showrunner Tony Gilroy has addressed several fan theories and chose to shut down one in particular.

Tony Gilroy recently spoke to Collider where he spoke about the numerous fan theories of the work being done by the Narkina 5 prisoners. Not surprisingly, the showrunner is aware that people are talking about the project in the latest episodes of Andor.

"I mean look at all the material that they have all over the place," Gilroy said. He then pointed out that it might be something simple yet significant to the Galactic Empire.

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"That's one of the things that was just blowing my mind. I said, 'Who built all the shit? Who built Scarif? Who built Eadu? Who did all this? Who builds these ships?'" Gilroy mused. Still, he played coy, refusing to divulge anything.

"So, what are they building? TBD," Gilroy said.

Although Tony Gilroy isn't ready to confirm anything about the prisoners' project, he did debunk a specific Andor theory.

"I heard one theory. Someone said, 'My daughter sent me something: they're building something in the next room, and then they're taking it apart,' which is not true," Gilroy said.

He further explained, "It's totally nihilistic. I go, 'We're not that dark.' I guess we'll figure it out. Yeah. Yeah. To be seen."

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At this point, Gilroy is determined to keep his secret. Still, the truth could finally be revealed in the season finale of Andor next week.

The latest episode of Andor is now streaming on Disney+.

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