Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Can Finally Be Streamed on Netflix

Spider-Man: Far From Home looks like another solid MCU film but there's a very good chance that it won't be as good as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Universally loved by fans and critics alike, many consider it to be the best film to feature the character and a masterpiece in animation. If you haven't seen it yet, or just want to watch it again, the movie is now available on Netflix.

Considering how popular the platform is, chances are that if you haven't seen the movie then you officially have no excuses. Maybe you don't like the character but even those that simply love animation will enjoy this film. There were a lot of great moments throughout, a lot of which revolve around the action and comedy, along with some fun quotes that fans are still using today.

Plus, that soundtrack. Does anyone else listen to Sunflower whenever Into the Spider-Verse is brought up? How can you not?

Fans should enjoy the movie while they can since Marvel films won't be on Netflix for long. Granted, this is technically a Sony movie so it will probably hang around longer than most Marvel Studios films but that doesn't mean Into the Spider-Verse is long for Netflix.

Check Netflix out now if you want to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

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