Spider-Man: Far From Home Star Zendaya Talks About How the Snap Affected Peter’s Friend Group

One big question after Avengers: Endgame was how Peter Parker still ended up in high school despite there being a five-year time jump after the first Snap, and apparently that will be addressed in the movie.

As it turns out, most of Peter's friends like MJ, Ned, and Flash were snapped away as well, and Zendaya (MJ) talks a bit about how Peter's friends are handling life after they all came back. Talking to Fandango, Zendaya explained:

"[The Snap] kind of puts our characters in a special place, because now we come back and the world's kind of changed, and we all have to kind of depend on each other a little bit more, because we're like the oddballs now. We kind of have to confide in each other with that experience, and that's cool."

What some suggest is after the Snap, people who were in high school that survived ended up finishing school and going off to college in real time. As for the people who came back, like Peter, they are simply continuing where they left off, and now they're classmates with students who were five years younger than them.

This is also how some suggest that Peter will run into Miles Morales since he was pretty young when he was hinted at in Homecoming. Maybe Miles survived the Snap and is now the same age as Peter. Then again, I think I prefer the mentor-student dynamic that the two had in Into the Spider-Verse.

Hopefully, all our questions will be answered when Spider-Man: Far from Home comes out July 2.

See Also: Tom Holland Had A Cameo In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse