Spider-Man: Far From Home Logo Officially Revealed

If there is one character fans are confident is coming back from the dead it's Spider-Man. While he arguably had the saddest death, making many people in the audience weep openly, Sony and Marvel announcing Spider-Man: Far From Home kind of killed the suspense. Before anyone says anything, we know that Spider-Man will not be Miles Morales, who is too busy with the Spider-Verse animated film.

Sony has decided to show the Homecoming sequel's official logo via the Spider-Man Movie Facebook page, which keeps what made the original film's logo charming. Having Spidey's mask as the O in Home keeps the Homecoming theme going on, which makes sense given how much of a success that film was.

(Marvel Studios/Sony)

Little is known about Far From Home, though rumors persist about Jake Gyllenhaal is being courted to play as classic Spidey villain Mysterio. Fans are also expecting to see Scorpion and the return of Michael Keaton's Vulture, which would be nice to see since Homecoming's ending teased a redemption arc for the villain.

Also, Tom Holland is going to return as Peter Parker. Spoilers I guess? Holland himself confirmed the news, so he isn't going to stay dead.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is slated for a July 5, 2019 release.

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