Here’s Why The Russo Brothers Killed The Avengers The Way They Did In Infinity War

Thanos didn't just kill off more than half of the members of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, he also reduced fifty percent of the Earth's living population (including plants and animals) to dust at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Though fans expect Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans) and the rest of the remaining Avengers to turn things around in Avengers 4, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked by the outcome of Infinity War.

Now, with the recent digital home release of the film, fans get an explanation for all the death and destruction in Infinity War's featurette, Beyond the Battle: Wakanda (via Screen Rant). Going behind the scenes during the epic final battle of Infinity War, co-director Anthony Russo gives out the reason why certain members of the Avengers went out the way they did in the film.

"In terms of our choices about who Thanos would end up eradicating with his snap, it was very story focused. How do we pay off each individual character's storyline most profoundly? The first person to go is Bucky Barnes, and it's shot from Captain America's perspective. You know, we're watching Cap go through the experience of watching [Bucky] go away. We're watching Okoye, whose number one mission it is in life is to protect the king. She watches the king go in front of her. And to see those characters react in those situations is very powerful and resonant."

While it might seem painful to the Marvel fanbase, Anthony and his brother Joe just probably wanted to bring out the most emotion by killing off characters the way they did. Sure, Spider-Man's (Tom Holland) tragic death might break some hearts, but there's also going to be a huge collective sigh of relief when Captain America and the team bring everyone back in Avengers 4.

Avengers 4 hits cinemas May 3, 2019.

Read: Captain America's Team In Infinity War Confirmed To Be The Secret Avengers