Sonny Boy, an original anime by studio Madhouse, home to Death Note, One Punch Man, and other titles promises a creepy, mind-bending story of survival with plenty of twists and Lord of the Flies or Battle Royale vibes. The show assumed a weekly schedule slightly late into the anime season but it's already making a sensation, with fans wondering when Sonny Boy will be dubbed in English.
September 2021 UPDATE: Funimation recently announced the English dub of Sonny Boy, to be released from the 16th of September onwards. Known voices actors include Derick Snow as Nagara, Tia Ballard as Mizuho, and Luci Christian as Nozomi.
For the uninitiated, Sonny Boy tells the story of 36 high school students whose school building begins drifting towards another dimension. Apart from them, no school employee or other adult is spirited away.
But this is definitely not your typical isekai, as the students don't end up in a whimsical fantasy world. Rather, the castle they encounter in Episode 2 seems to mock this idea. At first, the school drifts in an impenetrably dark space, before ending up on an island - hence the Lord of the Flies vibes.
The students try to create some sort of hierarchy and abide by rules to prevent chaos, but this is easier said than done, as not all children have their classmates' best interests in mind. Moreover, the setting is a character in its own right, having confusing, and at times absurd rules that make life difficult for the main characters.
The animation style, premise, and overall vibes mark Sonny Boy as an anime that will be counted among classics, or at least will try to. If you want to find out for yourself, the series is available to stream on Funimation and Hulu.
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At the time of writing, you can watch Sonny Boy with English subtitles. In certain parts of the world, Portuguese and Spanish subtitles are also available. However, Sonny Boy has not been dubbed in English at the time of writing.
Of course, this doesn't mean that dub of Sonny Boy is not in the cards. It might be sooner rather than later, since the show is already available on two streaming platforms, meaning that people bet on it to be popular; and the more popular an anime, the more likely it is to be dubbed – especially if it's on Funimation.
Watch this space for fresh information on how to watch Sonny Boy English dubbed, as soon as an announcement becomes available.