Originally a web novel written by Korean author, Chugong, Solo Leveling began its serialization in July 2016 before being published by D&C Media a few months later in November 2016. In March 2018, a webtoon adaptation began a serialization run with illustrations by Jang Sung-rak. The webtoon adaptation is running in "seasons" with the first season running until March 2020 before resuming with season 2 in August 2020.
The novel series has released fourteen volumes as of April 2018 and Yen Press has licensed the series in English with 1 volume released as of February 2021 (volume 2 is scheduled to be released in May 2021).
The story of this series stars the weakest hunter in the world, Jinwoo Sung. One day after entering a double dungeon, he's left to die by his party members at the hands of fearsome monsters. Before they can deal him the death blow, however, something strange happens and suddenly Jinwoo finds himself much more powerful than he's ever been in his life. This leads to strange occurrences and a lot of unwanted attention when all he really wants to do is level up on his own.
Solo Leveling Chapter 145 Release Date
While a solid release date is not currently available. Based on the previous release schedule, we can estimate that they will release the new chapter on Thursday, March 25th.
Solo Leveling Chapter 145 Release Time
For the most part, with releases like this, we expect to see them hit digital shelves at 12 am Korea Daylight Time. Assuming that this remains true, this translates into the new chapter being released at the following times around the world:
Pacific Time: 7 AM
Central Time: 9 AM
Eastern Time: 10 AM
British Time: 3 PM
Solo Leveling Chapter 145 Spoilers
In chapter 145, we see some pretty brutal battles between Jinwoo and Dong-Su before it evolves into a fight between Jinwoo and Andre which gets more and more intense. This is followed by hunters from the Scavenger Guild surrounding the pair. In the midst of all this, a reporter hides among the crowd and takes photos of the incident which are then leaked to the press.
With these photos now out in the open, how will Jinwoo react and how will he deal with his secret being revealed to everyone?
Solo Leveling Chapter 144 Summary
The series is still in its Japan crisis story arc, and Jinwoo must save the neighboring country all by himself now that Korea has refused to help with their S-rank gate problem. After learning about four humans who have the power to be rulers, Jinwoo might end up having to find them all on his own in order to borrow their powers and defeat the evil threatening Japan.
Solo Leveling has fans on the edge of their seat at the moment, and it'll be fascinating to see what happens next!
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