Smallville's Allison Mack Pleads Guilty for Sex Cult Crimes

Smallville fans were probably pretty heartbroken when it was reported that Allison Mack might be involved with a sex cult. Well, not only are those reports accurate, but the actress ended up pleading guilty to the act, making her the exact kind of villain Superman would go after. It's a sad day for many, especially if you enjoyed her character Chloe Sullivan.

Mack was arrested exactly one year ago, according to Variety. The actress was charged for sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit forced labor, and later pleaded not guilty. If convicted, Mack faces 15 years to life in prison. Somebody save her am I right? (but not really, she deserves to go to jail, those are some serious crimes).

According to prosecutors, Mack recruited women into NXIVM, a network of self-help programs based in Albany, N.Y. The recruits were told the group would help with women's empowerment. Prosecutors say the organization was set up like a pyramid scheme, with courses costing thousands of dollars. Prosecutors also allege that the leader of the group, Keith Raniere, established a secret sex cult within the organization, in which "slaves" were branded in their pelvic areas with his initials.

It's not yet known what her sentence will be but expect it to be extreme. Sex trafficking is one of the worst crimes out there and it's a shame that a beloved actress like Allison Mack was guilty of it.

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