Secret Invasion: Emilia Clarke's Character Reportedly Connected with Hydra

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

Emilia Clarke has always been on the fans' radar as someone who they want to see star in a comic book-related project. It took several years before the breakout star of Game of Thrones was finally persuaded to join the superhero craze and now, she's set to make her debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe via the upcoming Disney+ series Secret Invasion led by Samuel L. Jackson.

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Credit: Marvel Studios

As it stands, Emilia's involvement in the project is still shrouded with mystery and according to some reports, she'll either be playing a Skrull Queen or S.W.O.R.D. agent Abigail Brand. Well, it looks like the latter seems more plausible following a rumor that seems to shed some light on her character's backstory.

Twitter user @Moth_Culture claims that Emilia Clarke's mystery character in Secret Invasion will be connected with Iron Man's Hydra counterpart called Iron Thief. In the comics, Iron Thief aka Grant Ward is a former Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who defected to Hydra. Ward is also said to be the show's main villain but of course, take everything with a huge grain of salt.

Also Read: Secret Invasion Set Video Shows Emilia Clarke Fighting for Survival

If that's actually the case, it makes total sense for an evil version of Iron Man to appear in the MCU and it looks like the events of the upcoming Armor Wars series starring Don Cheadle will have a huge impact on Secret Invasion. But the biggest question is: Hydra is still a thing in Earth-616?? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The release date for Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion has yet to be announced.