Directed by Aaron Nee and Adam Nee, The Lost City follows Sandra Bullock's Loretta Sage, a novelist writer, and her cover model Alan (Channing Tatum) as they escaped from a kidnapping attempt by Fairfax (Daniel Radcliffe) and accidentally lands them in the middle of the jungle, looking for a hidden treasure.
Whether a film will have a theatrical release, or head directly to a streaming platform had been a constant discussion for the film industry these days, especially after the COVID-19 Pandemic. After the Pandemic hits the whole world, launching a movie straight to a streaming service seems to be the best idea. Well, a film being released in a streaming service instantly captures a plenty number of audiences, but some filmmakers are advocating on the big screen's return.
Now that some cinemas over the world are finally opening again after almost two years, it also brings hope to the film industry being back again in theaters moving away from depending on different streaming services for the success of their films.
Now, in a recent interview with New York Times, Bullock and Radcliffe explained why their new film, The Lost City, should be seen in theaters. Bullock explained, Bullock: "We had until Feb. 9 to decide whether it was full theatrical or day-and-date, but we’re here to entertain in whatever capacity it can get out. It was the same thing during filming: We quarantined, fed and housed 650 people, 450 of them Dominicans, who voluntarily left their families for three months in order to be safe … but you do this all so you can put a film up that feels like it has some escapism to it, and a location that deserves to be seen on a major scale. You’re prepared to release it in any way people can see it, but you keep your fingers crossed for theatrical."
Bullock's co-star Daniel Radcliffe, who will star as Fairfax in the film, added, "With this film specifically, I hope people are in a place where they feel like they can go to the theater and enjoy it, because this is a grab-your-friends-and-go-cheer movie that lends itself to a big communal experience."
While some people prefer watching a movie in the comfort of their homes, a cinematic experience in theaters is a hundred percent better than streaming online, not if you have a home theater of course. Buying tickets, buying food and popcorn, sitting in a comfortable chair, and watching a film you've been waiting for nearly a lifetime is surely unbeatable.
Luckily, Bullock and Radcliffe got their wish granted. As the film is set for a theatrical release at the end of March. The Lost City will then be available for the streaming service, Paramount Plus after a month.
The Lost City will premiere in theaters on March 25.
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