The Marvel Cinematic Universe is constantly expanding by bringing new characters to the franchise. But aside from introducing new heroes and anti-heroes to the current Marvel lineup, the franchise could also bring back fan-favorite characters, like the Ghost Rider.
Nicolas Cage was the first-ever actor to play Johnny Blaze in 2007's debut of live-action Ghost Rider. The film's box-office success and with the fans' demand, a sequel was released in 2011, which unfortunately flopped.
Even though the 2011 sequel of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was met with harsh criticisms that killed the possibility of having a trilogy, one person knows a thing or two about how to bring the sinister hero to the MCU again. Mark Neveldine, co-director of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance reveals his idea on how Johnny Blaze could come back into the MCU again. Neveldine explained, “Johnny Blaze will continue to grow his legend. I kind of wish we could have made the rated R version of that movie, but it was one of the greatest times in my life. My first child was born in Romania, and working with Nic Cage was better than you can imagine. Ghost Rider should blaze through the Avengers and lay them to waste.”
Sure, it's a good idea to introduce Ghost Rider into the MCU as a villain or maybe just a complex character much like Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Ghost Rider is such a classic superhero that could tear up the entire Avengers roster. If in doubt about Ghost Rider's potential, it's worth noting that in 1981's Marvel comics issue titled Bizarro Back Issues, Ghost Rider fights all the Avengers, and easily won.
Though the 2007 film featured a more grounded Ghost Rider character, the sinister anti-hero is so much more compared to its live-action portrayal.
Now, Marvel Studios have acquired the rights for Ghost Rider since 2013, but the rumors about the character's reboot had already exploded.
While Ghost Rider star seems to be no longer interested in returning as the sinister anti-hero, one actor who's rumored for the role is The Walking Dead star, Norman Reedus. However, Marvel has not yet announced anything about the Ghost Rider reboot.