Just in case you needed another reminder to not trust celebrities when their movies are getting hyped up. Samuel L. Jackson, who plays Nick Fury in Captain Marvel, has confirmed that he made up the supposed time travel powers that the character supposedly had. It's fairly interesting to hear this since Avengers: Endgame seems to be dependant on that ability since we're all expecting time travel to be a part of it sooner or later.
During an interview with radio station KROQ, both Larson and Jackson confirmed that the Nick Fury actor lied about the time travel power. Jackson admits that it was a mistake on his part since he had just finished working on parts of the movie when he was asked about the character's abilities. We all get tired, so we can't blame him though he probably had fun when fans reacted to the character's abilities.
Now that it's certified fresh, the hype for Captain Marvel is pretty big right now. Sure, there are boneheaded fans who are hating it for the wrong reasons but there are also those who have criticisms with the film and can say their opinions in a more constructive manner.
Captain Marvel comes out on March 8. How hyped are you?
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