Marvel Studios’ upcoming Secret Invasion, centered on Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury and Ben Mendelsohn's Talos, is set to bring back familiar characters that MCU fans have already met. However, Olivia Colman is one of the newcomers who is set to join via the Disney+ spinoff. The award-winning actress is confirmed to play agent Sonya Falsworth, an old ally of Nick Fury's. Given that this is Colman’s first superhero outing, fans are already excited to see how this will differ from the actress’ other roles before, and Jackson recently gave fans the answer they can hang on to.
“It’s somebody that you’ve never seen her play before. She’s cold-blooded and just relishes being that person. She is a high-ranking agent in the British Intelligence Service who has a past with Nick Fury. Sometimes [she’s] working with Nick Fury, and sometimes working against him as their goals either align or collide.” Jackson told Vanity Fair.
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Colman‘s two-faced character is an MCU original character and MI6 agent who will go to any length to protect England's national security interests, even if it means keeping a shady relationship with Nick Fury and the Skrull conspiracy in general. Despite being a new addition to the team, The Favourite star's role is expected to set up two new heroes heading into MCU Phase 5, namely Union Jack and Spitfire.
The Academy Award winner previously revealed that she’s a Marvel fan, and she asked to be set up for a superhero role. Despite the uncertainty, comic book fans are already expecting Colman’s Sonya to become a recurring presence in the MCU because her character already has a connection to Captain America via a shared last name with James Falsworth, a member of the Howling Commandos. In other words, adding this new character to the already-established history of the MCU could set up future on-screen stories.
Secret Invasion premieres on Disney+ on June 21, 2023.