Last weekend, Marvel Studios officially unveiled the lineup for their titular team in the upcoming film Thunderbolts. However, there are other characters from the past MCU films that fans are still clamoring to be part of the lineup and one of them is the Iron Man 2 villain Justin Hammer played by Sam Rockwell.
In a recent interview with The Playlist, Rockwell was asked whether he is interested in reprising the role of Justin Hammer in upcoming MCU projects such as Thunderbolts and Armor Wars. At first, the Oscar winner met the question with confusion, "Yeah, definitely. The Thunderbolt… who is that now? That’s not War Machine… that’s somebody else?"
When the interviewer pointed out that Thunderbolts is a villain team-up movie, the actor gave an enthusiastic response and said that he is open to being part of the project. "Yeah, I would be into that. [Thunderbolts] sounds cool… What villains would be in that?" he said.
After hearing from the interviewer the line-up of the characters in the team, Rockwell called it a "fun" idea and iterated again that he would love to see Justin Hammer pop up again in the film. "Yeah, me too. [Hammer’s] fun, he’s a real Lex Luthor," the actor added.
Based on his comments, it looks like Rockwell is game to play Justin Hammer again if ever Marvel Studios gives him a call about reprising the role again in a future project. Before the cast announcement, there are fans that speculated that Justin Hammer might either be part of the Thunderbolts team or make his next comeback instead on Armor Wars.
Considering that Marvel is starting to bring back one-off characters from their earlier films such as Abomination and The Leader from The Incredible Hulk, it seems to be inevitable for them to bring back Justin Hammer in a future project. After all, the character is still alive in the current timeline.
It would be interesting to see whether it will end up happening. At the very least, Rockwell is open to the idea and that alone should open up the possibility at some point.
Also Read: Sebastian Stan Breaks Silence on Joining MCU's Thunderbolts
Thunderbolts is slated for release in theaters on July 26, 2024. You can check more details about it here.