It was Marvel Who Reportedly Wanted Daredevil Cancelled, Not Netflix

A lot of Marvel fans are still bummed that Netflix has decided to cancel the shows of from Iron Fist to Daredevil, but some new info has come out that suggests that it wasn't actually Netflix that wanted these shows cancelled—it was Marvel.

This post comes from Colliders Steven Weintraub:

As he said, we should be taking this news as a rumor for now, but I doubt that Marvel is ever going to officially announce that it was their decision to ax the shows.

With Marvel Netflix slowly losing its roster of shows, it may only be a matter of time before everything is canceled completely. So far, the only shows that haven't had any official cancellation are Jessica Jones and Punisher.

Some speculate that Marvel wants these cancellations to happen so they can start work on integrating the characters to the MCU properly. With shows like Scarlet Witch and Vision plus that Bucky/Falcon series coming to Disney+, it's possible that Marvel may want to try a more streamlined introduction of the Defenders to the MCU.

Like it or not, though Marvel Netflix likes to namedrop the MCU, the movies barely do anything to acknowledge the likes of Daredevil or Luke Cage. It's like Marvel Netflix is some kind of ex-girlfriend living in denial.

Though I think it would be better if Marvel just integrates the characters we already have from Marvel Netflix, I wouldn't be too bothered if they decided to completely revamp them. Kevin Feige has a very solid track record, and I would like to see what he could bring into these characters with a completely fresh slate.

You can watch the existing seasons of Daredevil on Netflix.

See Also: Daredevil Writer Shares Similar Sentiment With Fans, Marvel and Netflix are Breaking Up