Daredevil Writer Shares Similar Sentiment With Fans, Marvel and Netflix are Breaking Up

Now that Daredevil has been canceled, pretty much any fan of these Marvel shows has agreed that Netflix is done with these comic book characters. Turns out its not just fans who feel that way, as those who are involved with these shows also feel like this is going to be the end of this relationship between Netflix and Marvel. Daredevil writer Tamara Becher-Wilkinson also feels this way.

In an interview with io9, Becher-Wilkinson feels that this is the end of the Marvel Universe on Netflix, echoing the feeling many have had since Daredevil was canceled. Most of us are expecting the upcoming seasons of Jessica Jones and The Punisher to be the last for these shows and that's pretty sad, especially for The Punisher.

"If I was a bettering woman, you know, my guess is that it's the end of the Marvel universe on Netflix."

She also revealed how the writer's room found out about the show's cancelation, which took all of them by surprise. Everyone was hoping that a fourth season for the show was going to happen since the third season ended solidly enough but left some room for a follow-up. It's still depressing but fans are beginning to accept it, which is part of the grieving process.

"Erik Oleson [the series showrunner] got a call asking him to go down to see the Marvel executives, and I jokingly went ‘Ooooooooh,' like a third grader does when someone gets called to a principal's office. Then, he waited for everybody to gather back in the writers' room and he said, ‘Netflix has decided not to move forward with season four.' And that's all I remember, you know. I kind of missed the details because I was, like, so surprised."

Fans can still stream Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage on Netflix but maybe not for long. Don't expect new seasons for Jessica Jones and The Punisher.

Read:Netflix and Marvel Reportedly Argued About Season Lengths