The Batman director Matt Reeves has recently shared a camera test for the film which shows a glimpse of Robert Pattinson's Batsuit. Since then, fans have been eager to see the full costume and are curious to see what it actually looks like and where it takes inspiration from. Multiple fan arts have been made which shows what the costume might look like, but now, new photos from The Batman set has finally revealed the suit in all its glory.
Granted that it actually isn't actually Pattinson wearing the suit, fans are hyped to see not only the Batsuit but even the new Batcycle as well. There have been lots of questions surrounding the costume since a very small part of it was only revealed in the clip, but now, fans will be able to see the costume details from the pointed ears to the black boots.
You can check out the photos shared by Glasgow Live here.
Judging from the photos, it looks like Pattinson's Caped Crusader will have the darkest color yet. Compared to the other Batman costumes with the gold insignia, gold belt, or even the gray and black color scheme of Ben Affleck's, Pattinson's will be all black and is a bit militaristic. Not to mention those wrist gauntlets, with its function to be up for debate amongst fans as well.
The question remains, will the cape be added to the Dark Knight post-production? Or does the Caped Crusader actually prefer to not wear the cape at all when he's out and about riding his Batcycle?
What are your thoughts on the Batsuit so far? Tell us in the comments below!
The Batman is set for release on June 25, 2021.
Also Read: Set Photos For Robert Pattinson's The Batman Indicate A Long Halloween Setting