Robert Downey Jr. Reveals He Pretended to be Iron Man Before Getting the Part

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Ever since Robert Downey Jr. played the part of Tony Stark in the first Iron Man movie, Marvel fans have always associated him with the character, because, well, he is the perfect fit for the role. Before Downey even got to play the iconic hero, just like anyone else, he would pretend to be a famous actor or character in the comfort of his home, of course, in his case, he'd pretend to be Stark.

Speaking to BBC Radio 1, Downey revealed that when he was just "leading up to screen testing for the part" there were three scenes from the screen test (with two of them in the final cut of the movie) that he would practice again and again. "I would run them and run them and run them," he said. "I would just stand in front of the mirror and I would think about like, what if I really was as confident as this guy."

"So, I was pretending that I was going to get the part. I method-ed Tony Stark. I did," he said with a laugh.

Of course, the actor did end up getting the role and has since been a fan-favorite character. While Stark had met an unfortunate yet heroic fate in Avengers: Endgame, Downey's portrayal of Iron Man is certainly memorable and is held in high regard by the fans.

Although fans have always seen him as Tony Stark, Downey said he would have loved to play another character as well. Although most boys would imagine themselves as Spider-Man, the actor says Hawkeye would be his "go-to" since he thinks Jeremy Renner made the character "so cool."

Downey's first movie post-Endgame is Dolittle, which is in theaters right now.

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