Hawkeye: Marvel Studios Reportedly Meeting Other Actresses Besides Hailee Steinfeld for Kate Bishop Role

Credit: Paramount Pictures

Credit: Paramount Pictures

While there's very little information revealed about the Hawkeye Disney+ series as of late, Marvel fans seem to be looking forward to Bumblebee star Hailee Steinfeld in playing the role of Kate Bishop in the show. The studio is yet to cast the major role, and it looks like it'll take a while.

According to MCU Cosmic, Steinfeld is still Marvel's first choice to be cast for the role. However, there is an issue with her deal with Apple TV that might be a hindrance to her joining the show. The site claims the studio is working towards Hawkeye's original air date, so they would need to find an actress to play Kate, given that Steinfeld's contract with Apple is reportedly held up, which is preventing Marvel in closing the deal.

Now, Marvel is said to be meeting with "a couple of actresses" for the role. There weren't any mentioned names, but the site says these actresses have both starred in "big-budget sci-fi fantasy film" a couple of years ago. They are also said to be neither of the ones from fan casting.

That being said, MCU Cosmic assured the fans that the said actresses "would be great" for the role and is a "testament to Marvel Studios' amazing casting that even a backup plan could result in perfect casting."

Back in October, Steinfeld said she doesn't know and that she had "no idea" about working on Hawkeye. While in November, she revealed that joining the show isn't something "that's necessarily happening," but fans ought to "wait and find out."

Would you like Steinfeld to play the role of Kate Bishop? Or are you looking forward to one of the rumored actresses for the part? Tell us in the comments below!

Hawkeye will be coming to Disney+ in Fall 2021.

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