Richard E Grant Says Star Wars: Episode IX is the FINAL Star Wars Movie

Fans have been curious about the roles celebrities will be having in Star Wars: Episode IX. While most of the big-name actors will be stormtroopers, Richard E. Grant will reportedly get something bigger than that, though no one has said who he will be. Grant himself has said that he can't talk about the role, pointing out how he cannot bring the script home or talk about it with his family.

However, Grant did say something interesting during The Graham Norton Show (via Express); apparently, this is the "last" Star Wars movie.

Grant realizes the gravitas of this role, telling the show's host that he was a drama student in 1977 when the first Star Wars film came out and he never expected to be in one of the series' movies. The Downton Abbey actor claims that this is the "last" Star Wars movie and says he will be fired if he talks about his role, though he's not sure if anyone will recognize him in the role when this movie comes out.

"Yes, I am in the last Star Wars. I have no idea [if I'll berecognisable] because I've not even been allowed to tell my family what the name of my character is. If I told you I would get fired. We're not even allowed to take the script home. There is a lot of security."

Calling it the "last" Star Wars movie is a bit surprising since Rian Johnson is tapped to make more of these films. Then again, Johnson said that his trilogy won't focus on the Skywalkers or anything Jedi-related, so that should be interesting.

Star Wars: Episode IX comes out on December 20, 2019.

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